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In the News

September 17, 2013

W&W Defeats Motion for Summary Judgment

Following a hearing on September 5, 2013, Superior Court Judge Donna G. Garza denied Plaintiff First National Bank of Southern California's Motion for Summary Judgment against W&W client Clay West, LLC, in the Bank's lawsuit against our Clay West and our other clients for breach of contract and other causes of action.

"The Bank failed to meet its burden," says lead trial counsel Rich Walton, "and the Bank must now prove its case to a jury.  I look forward to trying the case to a jury next year."

Walton & Walton, LLP provides value-driven litigation solutions for clients throughout the United States. Our trial team has delivered successful verdict after successful verdict in courtrooms across the country, in complex areas ranging from valuation disputes, to tax controversies, to capital murder cases. We are proud of the fact that we have never lost a client to the death chamber--even though our focus is business litigation. We would be honored to explore how we can deliver the same stellar results for you.


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