In the News
October 9, 2013
W&W Wins $2.3 Million for Client After Jury Verdict
The Firm today won $2.3 million in compensation for its clients, AJOHN, Inc., and Rosewood Properties, LLC, following a three-week trial, and jury verdict, in San Bernardino Superior Court.
Rosewood Properties, LLC owned real estate at I-10 and Tippecanoe, in San Bernardino, California. AJOHN, Inc. owned and operated at that location one of the 38 Denny's "Classic Diners" across the United States. California's Department of Transportation "took" both as part of its ongoing expansion of I-10 in San Bernardino County. CalTrans argued the Denny's Classic Diner had no "goodwill" to lose as part of the taking, and that the real estate was worth hundreds of thousands less than the amount ultimately found by the jury to be the "fair market value" of the land. The jury also found the Classic Diner had "goodwill" and returned a significant verdict for its loss.
"I congratulate Rich Walton and Sam Levy for this extraordinary result," says Jim DeBardelaben, head of the Firm's Litigation Practice. "Rich's expertise in business valuation was a key asset in preparing for trial, and presenting the case to the jury. We are proud of the verdict."
Walton & Walton, LLP provides value-driven litigation solutions for clients throughout the United States. Our trial team has delivered successful verdict after successful verdict in courtrooms across the country, in complex areas ranging from valuation disputes, to tax controversies, to capital murder cases. We are proud of the fact that we have never lost a client to the death chamber--even though our focus is business litigation. We would be honored to explore how we can deliver the same stellar results for you.